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Creating successful Zimbabwean organisations requires teamwork, partnerships and  collaboration, as we need an entire army of professionals to work together to build a better, more efficient, far-reaching and affordable economy within the next decade. This means freelancers must embrace the benefits of cooperating with one another.

IM is a service that enables word of mouth marketing on social media for brands & products.  By aggregating the online and offline influence of Zimbabwe's creative sector, Creatives 4 Africa has made it possible for brands to influence large audiences.This influence can be exercised using simple social media posts, product reviews, video reviews, content, sponsored content, product placement, etc. 

Content on demand is a content creation and management service by creatives for brands, causes and celebrities.


This is a service which allows clients to have valuable and relevant content created for their social media pages, websites and for print.

Tribe263 is a database creation, and management service.  This service looks at harnessing the fans of brands, causes and celebrities and creating virtual tribes with commercial value.


Again this is a partnership between brands, fans and content creators to promote movement within each tribe.

Brands, Bands & Bars is a collaboration between performing artists, entertainment & hospitality businesses and brands that aims to build mutually beneficial audiences.  

This initiative aims to provide: 

 - performing artists with spaces to perform and improve their performances, 

 - Entertainment spaces with potential crowd pullers for their slower days/nights

 - Brands with access to varied captive audiences for launching, promoting and marketing products and services.


Overall marketing spend is growing, but the share of the overall marketing spend that display [advertising] gets is shrinking, and there is more money in agency services. 

C4A's Digital Agency 4 Mass Media monetises audiences from mass media clients by taking the relationship online/digital, enabling advertisers more access to their  target audience.

Creatives 4 Africa provides mass media organisations with the resources & expertise (from our pool of creatives) that can introduce and sustain non-traditional revenue streams, while  providing advertisers with more qualified sales opportunities.

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